Drimaster-Eco Frequently Asked Questions

Drimaster FAQs

Here you will find a quick list of frequently asked questions about the Drimaster-Eco units and their running cost.
If you cant find the answer you are looking for contact us today on 029 2085 8200 or email xpress@nuaire.co.uk

Q. Will it still work if I have closed doors in the house?
A. Yes. There will be gaps around the edges of the doors, which will enable the fresh air to flow throughout the property.

Q. Is the Drimaster-Eco range suitable for any size house?
A. The Drimaster-Eco Range is best suited to properties up to 200m2.

Q. Is it cold?
A. The air being brought into the property does come from outside, however warm air lost at ceiling level will be regained via the diffuser. You may notice the air movement, but this is very gentle.

Q. What does the heater actually do on the heat models?
A. The heater will take the chill off the air being brought into the property, making it a comfortable temperature when it is fed into the home.

Q. Will I hear it running?
A. The Drimaster-Eco range is designed to be ‘whisper-quiet’.

Q. Why does the diffuser have to sit in the hallway?
A. The diffuser sits in the hallway as the majority of the rooms are situated off it, allowing the Drimaster-Eco system to actively pressurise the whole property.

Q. Can anyone install it?
A. Qualified electrician should be more than capable of fitting the Drimaster-Eco Range.

Q. Do I need additional loft ventilation?
A. The Drimaster-Eco range uses natural loft ventilation. To check for this, look for natural daylight in the loft, or feel for natural air movement. If you cannot detect any, you may need to install a roof cowl (or similar) for additional ventilation.

Q. What maintenance is required?
A. The Drimaster-Eco Range requires very little attention. Filters are replaced every five years. For optimum performance, the filter should be kept clean and clear. When the filter becomes dirty, the unit does not input as much air into the home, creating the opportunity for condensation and musty smells to become evident. This will be a signal that you need to have the filter checked and replaced/cleaned as necessary.