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MRXBOX-ECO2 Replacement Filter


Replacement filters for MRXBOX-ECO2 & MRXBOXAB-ECO2 model. (Formerly named MRXBOX95-WM2 and MRXBOX95AB-WM2)

(the price listed does not include VAT and carriage)
SKU: MVHR-ECO2-FILTERKIT Category: Tag: Product ID: 10298


ISO Coarse replacement filters for MRXBOX-ECO2 & MRXBOXAB-ECO2 model of heat recovery units. Dimension Size 194mm x 347mm – sold as a pair.

Additional information

Additional information

Filters are to be inspected every 6 months and replaced every 12 months (or sooner if required). Technical information on how to replace your filters can be found under the download section on the main Nuaire website. Visit